Summer 2018 Newsletter
New location update | T-shirts | Car Wash | Quarter Auction | Summer Schedule | Daruma Goal

In late May we had the opportunity to take a tour of the new location across the street; Ron and Betsy Ingram are working very hard themselves and with the contractors to get the space ready for us in late summer. This is a very exciting time for Triple Arts Academy - and our current students. There is still lots to be done, and we will (and have already) reached out to some of our Karate Families that have some special skills and knowledge to help get an awesome finished product for our students and the community. In the near future we would welcome assistance from anyone with construction background as we build change rooms, a staff room, a half wall to create a hallway and flooring installation in the area that will become our dance studio. There is a lot happening behind the scenes and Triple Arts Bright could not do this without the continued support of our Karate Families and Triple Arts Academy Cambridge - Sensei Colin and Miss Maddy.

2018 Summer Schedule - There will be no change to our schedule for the summer months.
2018/2019 Fall/Winter Schedule - We expect to have something solidified by mid July for our current membership to register by August 1st if not before. Our expectation at this time is to expand the karate program to include Thursday nights, and to add a full Saturday of dance classes. We appreciate your patience as there a number of considerations, some beyond our control that must be addressed prior to the schedule's release.

Its T-shirt weather! Students are welcome to wear a plain white or black T-shirt (please no graphics), the older grey Triple Arts logo T-shirt, or the new white Triple Arts logo T-shirts. For those that wish to purchase a Triple Arts T-shirt details and order sheet are at the Dojo at a cost between $15 and $22 depending on size and if you wish front and/or back logos. Thank you to a very dedicated Dojo-Mom, Melanie Elson for taking the lead on bringing these to our students.

Car Wash - Bake Sale - BBQ
Saturday July 14th (Sunday July 15th - Rain Date)
This has been good fund raiser for our club since we started in 2013. This year it will be a student account fund raiser allowing students to put some funds away for their own use. Tournament grade Gi's, bo staff's, tournament or seminar entry fees, and IOGKF memberships. We will have team sign up at the Dojo shortly in order to rotate kids through different tasks at the event. We will be looking for donated baked goods (please avoid nuts and mango ) for the bake sale. Sausage on a bun, pop and water will be for sale. If you know of anyone in the butchering world that might be willing to offer a special price for this event this will greatly increase student funds - please come and see us.

2018 Summer Fun Bucket
Once again this year we will be doing our Summer Fun Bucket draw, the tickets will be available next week and we will do the draw on the date of the Car Wash - Bake Sale - BBQ. Funds this year will go towards equipment for the new location.

2nd Annual TAK Quarter Auction-August 24th
Shoppers start saving your quarters! Tickets 5$ each on sale soon. See the facebook event or Miss Shelley for details. We start the night with a shopping hour to let you browse and shop with our ten vendors, but the real fun happens when the quarters come out! We expect to sell out this year so please get your tickets fast.

Daruma Doll Goal
The 2018 Daruma Doll Goal has been picked by our 8-14 age students. They have voted to partner with seniors in need of assistance in our community to assist them for a few hours with outdoor work. If you know of an organization that may be able to help us in identifying a senior in need of this type of assistance please come see us at the Dojo. Once we have reached our goal we will colour in the other eye of our Daruma Doll as a reminder that we set and achieved our goal together.