In Studio & Virtual:
Traditional Martial Arts, Fitness, Theatre & Music - for Kids and Adults!

We are pleased to annouce the first Triple Arts only, inhouse Shiai (fun tournament).
It's a great way to try a tournament in a fun, familiar, friendly enviornment, meet and mingle with your fellow Triple Arts Karateka from all three Triple Arts dojos and support a great cause.
The 2025 Event will be a Charity Shiai to support of Senpai Madison working with Global Brigades in Panama this coming May, providing medical care for under-resourced communities.
Location - Triple Arts Bright Location - 12A Baird St North Bright
Date - 29 March 2025
Time - First Division begins at 10am - each division will have its own arrival time in order to support parking. Once divisions are created arrival times will sent to competitors
Gear - full sparring gear - head, hands, mouth, shins, feet and groin
Competitors - 6 and Under 20$ - events available Basics & Sparring
Competitors - 7 and Up 30$ - events available Kata, Weapons, & Sparring
Spectators - $5 (seniors and children under 4 free)
**Divisions - once registrations have been recieved divisions will be created, and a start times will be sent to each competitor.
***Registration End Date March 8th 2025
Triple Arts Blackbelts - we are looking for your assistance in judging, and organizing please reach out if you can volunteer your time
Triple Arts families - we are looking for your assistance in score keeping, & other assiting positions, please reach out if you can volunteer your time
Please click on the poster above, or the link below to register: